You’ll be astonished by how simple, cheap and lucrative it is to start your very own website hosting company! We give you all the tools and support required to have your business up and running in only a few minutes time. All our reseller hosting plans will allow you to make unlimited internet sites under your own company name, with their own prices, packages and features. As a Morpheus Hosting reseller you’ll keep 100% of the money you collect!
How does reseller hosting work?
After join-up you’ll be given access to the Morpheus Hosting reseller control panel, Internet Host Manager. WHM will enable you to control and provide your clients with their own user control panels (cPanel) which should allow them to create and modify their own web sites. Once your client is logged into cPanel they can control sub domains, email addresses, passwords and lots more without requiring any help! In the event that you bump into any problems, we’re available 24/7/365 to help.
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